Introduction to 4-Part Chords

Current Status
Not Enrolled (10 places remaining)
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Course Description


This course takes you through the basics of how 4-part chords are played and found on the guitar. They are required to play songs from the Blues-Jazz-Latin-Funk repertoire. With a little effort that goes beyond just looking at chord fretboxes you will be in the driver’s seat by understanding how guitar chords are constructed. By completing this course (and follow-up courses) you will able to make up your own chords without reference to a chord book.


There are 7 lessons to complete and a few quizzes and assignments to work through.


More information
No prior knowledge is required to sign up for this course. It helps though, if you have played guitar for a little while. Suitable for all ages as from 12.

    • Learn some basic facts about 4-part chords before moving on to playing songs with the newly acquired chords.
    • Learn how to play songs from Blues, Jazz, Latin, Funk and similar styles.
    • Feedback can be gotten from by sharing your own recordings of a course song with us (included in course fee).
    • E-mail your recording by pressing on this link.